
Breakpoints allow you to create areas in which the viewport width is used to change styles to components and other things.

Basic Usage

Configuring breakpoints

Configure your breakpoints using the sentro.breakpoint-config() mixin.

  • It can be a map with a default value and variants, or a separate variable argument.
  • For maps, the default key is the set non-variant key for the parent key (please see the examples below).
@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $small: 320px,
  $medium: 677px,
  $large: 890px,
  $xlarge: 1077px

The breakpoint-config() mixin also supports map-based token sets using the $map parameter.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
$_my-breakpoint-map: (
  small: 320px,
  medium: 677px,
  large: 890px,
  xlarge: 1077px
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $map: $_my-breakpoint-map

Nested breakpoints

You can also nest breakpoints within each other.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
$_my-breakpoint-map: (
  mobile: (
    small: 320px,
    medium: 677px
  desktop: (
    large: 890px,
    xlarge: 1077px
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $map: $_my-breakpoint-map

You can use these breakpoints by doing this:

@include sentro.breakpoint-create('mobile-medium') {
  // Styles here...

Two-way breakpoint configuration

It also supports both at the same time.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
$_my-breakpoint-map: (
  large: 890px,
  xlarge: 1077px
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $map: $_my-breakpoint-map,
  $small: 320px,
  $medium: 677px,

Using breakpoints

When using the breakpoints in your CSS, you are going to use the breakpoint-create() mixin. It takes in a valid breakpoint token you've configured in the breakpoint-config() mixin.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
$_my-breakpoint-map: (
  small: 320px,
  medium: 677px,
  large: 890px,
  xlarge: 1077px
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $map: $_my-breakpoint-map
@include sentro.breakpoint-create('medium') {
  // Styles here...

Using breakpoints with a specific context and property.

When you want a specific type of breakpoint in your CSS, you can use the same mixin but pass in the optional $context and $property parameters.

  • $context refers to what to watch for in the breakpoint. The usual values for this parameter are 'min' and 'max' with the default being min.
  • $property refers to what property to watch for. The usual values for this property are 'width' and 'height' with the default being 'height'.
@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
$_my-breakpoint-map: (
  small: 320px,
  medium: 677px,
  large: 890px,
  xlarge: 1077px
@include sentro.breakpoint-config(
  $map: $_my-breakpoint-map
@include sentro.breakpoint-create('medium', 'max', 'height') {
  // Styles here...

Using breakpoints with a custom separator

When you want to use custom separators for your breakpoints, the global separator can be changed using the $separator parameter. Please refer to this guide for more information.