This module is a work in progress and is not yet recommended for production use in the current release.


The selector module is a powerful tool for selecting elements in the DOM. It allows you to create elements that fit the namespace of your specifications, scope selectors, create variants, and more.

Basic Usage

Creating a selector

Create a selector using the sentro.selector-create() mixin.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
@include sentro.selector-create('.button') {
  // Your styles here

And it outputs:

.sdc-button {
  // Your styles here

Nesting selectors

You can nest selectors using the & symbol.

@use 'node_modules/@matteusan/sentro' with ($prefix: 'sdc', $context: 'theme');
@include sentro.selector-create('.button') {
  // Your base styles here
  @include sentro.selector-create('&.primary') {
    // Your variant styles here

And it outputs:

.sdc-button {
  // Your base styles here
.sdc-button.sdc-button-primary {
  // Your variant styles here